Welcome to the Adult Spiritual Growth page! Below you will find a listing of our current offerings. All programs are open to everyone. Make sure to check if the class requires registration
If you have questions, or would like to offer a class for our community, please contact Rev. Laura Shennum, Minister of Congregational Life
Email -
Phone - (415) 776-4580
Wednesday, September 18, 6:30-8 PM (Zoom)
Lead by Rev. Laura Shennum
Faithful Practices by Erik Walker Wikstrom
Our monthly themes are anchored to the phrase "The Practice of...". We will start out this month by considering what kinds of practices are available to us. This book is an eclectic mix of contributors sharing their reflections about spiritual practices in their everyday lives. Each of the contributors in Faithful Practices describes their unique spiritual practice and the ways it opens them up to their hearts and souls. From chopping vegetables to creatively arranging action figures, from taking long walks to playing roller derby, these practices demonstrate the wide range of ways that we can be spiritual and provide models for those seeking a practice of their own.
Wednesday, October 16, 6:30-8 PM (Zoom)
Lead by Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern
Touch the Future: A Manifesto in Essays by John Lee Clark
In this month when we are looking at the practice of Deep Listening, we join John Lee Clark and read his collection of essays on the DeafBlind experience. Clark was born Deaf into an ASL-speaking family and became blind by his teen years and found a way forward full of possibilities and that put him in the forefront of what is known as the Protactile movement. Some have called the book a “manifesto on the power and untapped potential of touch.” Reading it is an invitation into a new language and way of life.
BIPOC Small Group - Deepening Series
Third Sundays starting September 15 from 1:00-3:00 pm
Lead by Rev. Seanan Fong
Hybrid/On-site space TBD
This small group will provide a space for the BIPOC community to engage deeply in spiritual themes and practices. For more information, contact Rev. Seanan at
Creating Your Own Theology Three Part Series
First Set: Thursdays, October 3-24, 6:00 pm-8:00 pm
Facilitated by Rev. Laura Shennum
This is a three-part series, with four sessions for each part. In the first four sessions, we will delve into our personal beliefs. We will create an understanding of theology for ourselves.
By understanding our personal theology, we can engage and deepen our commitments in a covenantal faith community. We will focus on how systems beyond ourselves impact our theology in the second part of the series in January.
The final part of the series in March will focus on how we incorporate our own theology into a communal theology to honor all we believe among us. This is a new take on the classic curriculum: Building Your Own Theology. For more information, contact Rev. Laura at
To register for the first part in the series click the button below.
California's Advanced Care Planning and End-of-Life Options
Sunday, October 13, 1:00-2:30 pm, TSK Room
Refreshments will be provided
A Volunteer with End-of-Life Choices California will discuss the importance of sharing values and end-of-life wishes with loved ones; legal end-of-life options; and the resources and support provided by End of Life Choices California. Legal end-of-life options in California include stopping unwanted medical treatments; hospice care; palliative care; voluntarily stopping eating and drinking (VSED); and California's End of Life Option Act (also known as medical aid in dying).
We welcome your questions at the end of the presentation.
Additional workshops will be provided on Sunday, Nov 10 and Sunday, Jan 19. The workshops will provide information about wills and trusts, planning a memorial or celebration of life service, and talking to your loved ones about these decisions. For more information, contact Rev. Laura at
Sunday October 27, 1PM
In-Person: Fireside Room, UUSF
New UU is an interactive class offered quarterly by Revs. Vanessa Rush Southern and Laura Shennum, which gives you the chance to get a deeper understanding of Unitarian Universalism and our congregation.
Our next class will be on Sunday October 27 at 1PM, in-person at UUSF.
Register to attend by clicking on the link below.
The Unitarian Universalist EcoSocialist Network
The Unitarian Universalist EcoSocialist Network is hosting a discussion group on all things spirituality, ecology, and the socialist transition of society.
If you're interested in finding out more or getting involved, contact Gregory Stevens:
Tuesdays & Thursdays
8:00-8:30 am
Leader: Elena Perez, Member of UUSF
Online Class. Click button to join Zoom call. ZOOM Password: metta
Watch a Sample Recording Morning Metta Mediation
You are warmly welcomed to join this "Morning Metta Meditation" group, which meets Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 8-8:30 am. Elena leads a simple, centering loving kindness meditation practice which is appropriate for all religious backgrounds and levels of meditation experience. Attendees can choose to leave their microphone and camera off and just follow along.
About the Leader: Elena Perez is a member of UUSF. She is a Licensed Acupuncturist who practices in SF at Dance With Life Chiropractic in the Inner Sunset, and in Fresno at Benessere Fresno.
Questions? email
8:00-8:30 am
Leader: Elena Perez, Member of UUSF
Online Class. Click button to join Zoom call. ZOOM Password: metta
Watch a Sample Recording Equanimity Practice
You are warmly welcomed to join our "Equanimity Practice" group, which meets on Fridays, 8-8:30 am. Elena Hanyo leads a simple meditation practice on cultivating equanimity- that is accepting the reality of life's highs and lows, and developing an attitude of peaceful calm abiding throughout the inevitable changes. This practice balances the heart-centered approach of our other group, lovingkindness- as it is common to get attached to positive outcomes for those we spend time wishing well. Equanimity allows us to develop mental stability and even-minded loving awareness. Appropriate for all religious backgrounds and levels of meditation experience. Attendees can choose to leave their microphone and camera off and just follow along.
About the Leader: Elena Hanyo Perez is a member of UUSF. She is a Licensed Acupuncturist who practices in SF at Dance With Life Chiropractic in the Inner Sunset, and in Fresno at Benessere Fresno, as well as a lay minister with Bright Dawn Center for Oneness Buddhism.
Questions? Email