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Image by Steve Johnson

Love is the Spirit of this Church, and Service is its Prayer.


"Invitation to the Waters"
Sunday, September 8, 2024, 10:50 am
Rev. Vanessa Rush Southern, Senior Minister, preaching

Welcome back to this first Sunday together of our new church year, inviting us back together, welcoming new members (and some beloveds who have been away). As Heraclitus famously observed, with some gender-updating, "No one ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and we are not the same person." So it is with community and each of us. And each year of continuing together, though we are in the same building, gathered under the same name, is also a new beginning. Bring waters from your summer adventures if you have them as we regather to step into and remake the river that is UUSF. 

Read this Week's Flame

Watch This Week's Service Here

Watch Previously Recorded Worship Services

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Soul Matters

September: The practice of Invitation

Firefly A invitation with no writing on it on a beautiful piece of paper with a flower in

What is in an invitation? It looks so simple—the envelope or virtual envelope we get with the invitation to join in some moment or adventure? A movie, a party? Or the hand extended from someone on bended knee and the larger invitation to join in a life together: Will you marry me? Seems so simple. Just an invitation. Want to join this church? Be my friend? Go climb a mountain? Get an ice cream? What is written and tucked in an invitation if it is real and with the potential to welcome the fullness of everyone invited to be in an authentic relationship? What does the practice of invitation, the spiritual practice of it, say about what we believe invitation requires of us?


UUSF Weekly Newsletter
September 4, 2024

The Flame, our weekly newsletter, is published every Wednesday! We cover Sunday services as well as recent UUSF news and upcoming events. On Fridays, we also send a brief email outlining the weekend's events. If you send us an email at The Flame will be sent directly to your inbox.

Image by Paul Bulai

Get Involved and Donate for a Good Cause!

UUSF Garden Party Auction

On Sunday, October 20th, UUSF will host its Garden Party Auction, featuring African daisies, asters, sunflowers, mums, and azaleas. The event includes food, music, and a plant show. Membership is open, and donations can be made online, at the gallery, or in-person. The Auction Committee is meeting this Sunday, September 8 at 12:30 pm in the Kincaid Room. All are welcome, and no prior experience is necessary. There are two other meetings before the actual auction, but at this first meeting, we are especially open to new ideas.

Image by Alice Donovan Rouse

Group Art Show Reception!

Sunday, September 8, 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm, King Rooms

You're invited to the Friends and Family Group Artist's Reception. Look at the wonderful art in the TSK and MLK rooms. There will be refreshments and food to enjoy while you admire the wonderful artworks and speak with the artists who created them. This event is open to everyone, and it is free!

Image by Hanmer Zh

We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Fascism! Writers’ Hopes for Humanity.

Sunday, September 29, 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm,

TSK Room/Zoom

A literary festival with food, readings, theater, and music. 

Say no to Patriarchy, Racism, Militarism, Genocide!! Hyper-nationalism, Science-denial, Anti-immigrant hatred, Authoritarian rule and Theocracy


Readers and performers include Dennis Adams, Susan Anthony, Michael Bossier, Robin Larsen, Mari Magaloni Ramos, Kathleen McClung, Bruce Neuburger, Gregory Stevens, Tyson Casey, Starr King School of Ministry, and special guest reader James Tracy. Bruce Clement provides an introduction, while Senior Minister Vanessa Rush Southern will guide the discussion. We would like to know if you plan on attending in person so we can get the proper amount of food for this event, so please RSVP here or the button below. 

Arts in Ministry

September 22, 1:30 pm, Sanctuary


Christoph Wagner and Joanne Kong have been praised for their impeccable ensemble and sensitive, communicative performances that convey the unique power of music.

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“… and Service is our Prayer.”

UUSF relies on all of us to offer our time and ideas in order to build the church that we all know and love! To see a list of volunteer opportunities, classes, and ministries, visit the "Finding Your Ministry" form below. For additional questions, or if you are interested in finding other ways to get involved at UUSF, feel free to contact the UUSF Nominating Committee at


Under Construction

In an effort to make the world a better place, we support each other’s journey to seek truth with openness, curiosity and respect for different perspectives and paths.

As love is our spirit, we commit to respect, accept, listen to and support each other.

We hold ourselves and each other accountable by continually assessing our individual and community actions toward living into our covenant. This will include speaking up when someone’s actions are not aligned.

We commit to be in community with openness and loving kindness, acknowledging our own biases and differing perspectives.

We welcome the newcomer, we commit to building trust with each other, we celebrate differences and make space for repair when harm occurs.

Watch A Conversation with Rev. Cheryl M. Walker about Article II (HERE)

Image by Ray Mallick


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Sunday, October 6, 12:30 pm, Fireside Room

Newcomers are welcome to join us after the service to meet some of our members and learn more about our congregation and Unitarian Universalism.


It's a great chance to meet other folks in the community, ask any questions you might have, and find out how to get involved in our programs and ministries.


We look forward to meeting you!


A Guide for Newcomers

We will address inquiries such as: When are services held? Where are the services? Does attending the service require signing up? May I bring my children? And many more. To learn more, click the button below.


Upcoming! & Watch Now

“Diyos sa Gugma (God of Love): Building Bridges

with the UU Church of the Philippines”

Sunday, August 25, 10:50 am, 2024


Global Conversations: Iran’s Women Prisoners: Defying Execution Surge & Regional War Threats

Sunday, August 25, 12:30 pm, 2024


"Gaining Our Freedom"

Sunday, September 1, 10:50 am, 2024


This Election Will Reverberate for Two Generations

Sunday Forum, September 8, 9:30 am, 2024


"Invitation to the Waters"

Sunday, September 8, 10:50 am, 2024


Election 2024 Roundup! What can we expect?

Sunday Forum, September 15, 9:30 am, 2024


"Invitation to Participate in the Democratic Process"

Sunday, September 15, 10:50 am, 2024


"We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Fascism! Writers’ Hopes for Humanity."

A literary festival with food, readings, theater, and music.

Sunday, September 29, 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm



Please check out this brand-new page on our website. Explore the vast collection of worship service reflections that we have compiled, as well as our Worship Associates. Being thoughtful and introspective is necessary to create meaning.

Opening Sunday


Stay up to date with what is happening for our families and Sunday School program by subscribing to the Thursday weekly emails. To be put on the email list, please contact Rev. Laura Shennum at



Recommendation for close contacts of cases.

  • If you have new COVID-19 symptoms, you should test and mask right away.

  • If you do not have symptoms, and are at higher risk of severe COVID-19 infection and would benefit from treatment, you should test within 5 days. 

  • If you do not have symptoms and have contact with people who are at higher risk for severe infection, you should mask indoors when around such people for 10 days. Consider testing within 5 days after the last exposure date (Day 0) and before contact with higher-risk people. For further details, see CDPH COVID-1​9 tes​​ting guidance​.​


If you have questions, suggestions, resources or want/need clarification, please reach out to our Covid Advisory Team at




While we meet live every Sunday morning at 10:50 am PT, worship certainly isn’t restricted to those moments! Anytime you need a comforting word, a song that will help you with your life, visit our video archives or listen to one of our podcasts.

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1187 Franklin St, San Francisco, CA 94109

(415) 776-4580

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