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UUSF Weekly Newsletter



"When Legacy Propels Boldness"

Wednesday, April 24, 2023

The word "legacy" always draws for me images of things past: heavy, anchoring, a little dusty, and old. But in reality, they are just as often more like a sail for covering fast oceans or a ballast for weathering storms than a heavy anchor somewhere fixed and forgotten. This Sunday, I will talk about some of the legacy of the UU Service Committee (UUSC) and its living legacy as I return from a trip to Poland with its Board to meet with organizations doing the work to protect human rights and serve war-torn lands as boldly as that which launched the organization over 70 years ago. Moreover, this Sunday we will talk about our own legacy in this church with our Allyne Circle and those we honor and name this Sunday who are added to our plaque.

Our connections form (here) lets you sign up for our weekly email. We send a brief Friday email about weekend events. Do you have something to add to the Flame, such as an event, caring concern, reflection, or favorite image with caption? is our email address.

Deadlines: Email by Tuesday afternoon or sooner to submit UUSF news for Wednesday's weekly edition. Send your Sunday Order of Service by Wednesday afternoon.

Check out our new monthly Flame PLUS newsletter on the last or first Wednesday of the month. Go Here

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