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PICT holds monthly rituals on the Saturday evening closest to the Full Moon, starting at 7:00pm.

Our mission is to create a place for Unitarian Universalist Pagans to practice our spirituality in community, and for those who are interested in Paganism and Unitarian Unviersalism to learn and worship with us.

Email us here if you want to participate.



You are invited to meet the Pagan Interest Circle (PICT) on Zoom for a Full Moon Ritual on Saturday, April 20, at 7:00 pm

It’s April! This year, we are treated to an amazing spring! Flowers are profuse as the rains continue, and we enjoy the lengthening of the days. Spring is the time for all things “air,” and the Fey is one of them. 

In this ritual, we will respectfully call on the Fey, using fairies Oracle cards, to join us in sacred space. Who knows who will appear? Be ready for healing, wisdom, or mischief! We take our chances when we work with the wild. With Blessings!

For the Zoom link to attend, contact Kristen Stephens at no later than 3:00 pm on the day of the ritual.


For over 20 years the Pagan Interest Circle (PICT) of the First Unitarian  Universalist Church Society of San Francisco, a Chapter organization of  CUUPS, has been meeting for monthly Full Moon Rituals on the Saturday evening closest to the Full Moon, and for the solar pagan holidays of Winter Solstice and  Beltane. We are an open circle dedicated to providing ritual space for all respectful families and individuals of any age. Our policy requires that our rituals are clean and sober, drugs, alcohol, fragrance and animal free. Individuals who rely on an animal companion are welcome but will need to secure their animal away from the the ritual room/space.

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New Ritual Calendar for 2023-2024

Here is the Calendar of Ritual Dates for the calendar year of UUSF. We will have four virtual rituals on ZOOM, although the dates have not yet been decided. For further information, consult your UUSF Monthly Flame +. 

Virtual Rituals: Please note the November 25th ritual, falling the Saturday during the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, will be held virtually, on ZOOM. The next Virtual ritual is scheduled for May 25th, 2024, on ZOOM.


January 27

February 24

March 23

April 20 

May 5th: BELTANE

May 25 - Virtual, on ZOOM

June 22

July 20

August 17


As Chapter organization of CUUPS, we ask for annual $20 membership dues collected each October at Samhain. All our Rituals are open to all; membership not required. Only members are allowed to vote on issues that may come before the group.

To learn more about CUUPS,

check out the FaceBook page "Covenant of Unitarian  Universalist Pagans- CUUPS".
Or, go to and read the CUUPS blog,  Nature's Sacred Journey: Celebrating UU-Paganism & Earth-Centered Experience.

Have any questions?  

Or, if you no longer wish to receive PICT announcements,

please contact Christine Patch-Lindsay. 

or Text Message to set up a time to talk. 415-424-6964.  

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