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Chair: Judy Strachan




The Women’s Rights Group is open to all members of the community. The group is currently focused on Women’s Reproductive Justice.

We are also working on identifying women’s reproductive rights advocates to speak at Forum events and we are working to partner with the local Planned Parenthood on volunteer opportunities.

We meet in the morning on the first and third Saturdays of the month. For more information about the group and to get on the UUSF Women’s Rights Group mailing list, please send an email to


Women’s Rights Group: Three Announcements

Judy Strachan is stepping back from the Women's Rights Group due to personal and health reasons. The group is focusing on women's reproductive rights and is partnering with Planned Parenthood of California to sponsor speakers and events. Volunteers are encouraged to contribute to the group's activities.

Forum on Sunday: Leslie Simon will be speaking at the forum on Project Survive.

Project Survive - Sunday Forum with Leslie Simon

Sunday, May 19, 9:30 am, TSK Room/Zoom


Leslie Simon founded "Poetry for the People" at City College of San Francisco in 1975 and later coordinated Project SURVIVE, a nationally recognized sexual violence prevention program. Louise Diskerud will be doing the introduction to Leslie Simon's presentation. More information is at


Women’s Rights Group Year-End Gathering

Saturday, June 1, 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm, @ Julia Wald's Home


The Women's Rights group will celebrate their year's activities at Julia Wald's home on Saturday, June 1 and brainstorm for next year's plans. Bring a bottle and/or a dish to share, and join the group celebration. Registration is required, and attendees can sign up at the Women's Group table on May 12 or 19 or contact Louise Diskerud at 



MARCH 2023

Minutes WRG Meeting. Attendees: Linda Harris, Bick Simpson, Susan Anthony, Katie Anthony, Louise Diskerud, Lori Lai, Judy Strachan, Kimberly Gila, Margaret Levitt

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Generous donations to SACReD (Spiritual Alliance of Communities for Reproductive Dignity) have enabled UUSF to become one of SACReD’s sponsors at its initial virtual conference, Jan. 25 and 26. At the time of the meeting, a $500 donation from the minister’s discretionary fund put the church at the gold sponsorship level; another $500 donation would entitle the church to a platinum sponsorship level with the privilege of inviting 10 interested participants. Anyone still interested in donating can make out a check to UUSF and mailed it it to UUSF, 1187 Franklin St., S.F., 94109 by tshe following Tues., Jan. 18, also email Laura Ludwig ( it is on its way. Carlowe Connelly volunteered to write an article re SACReD and send it the following: Linda Harris, who noted that many UUSF members have supporting women’s reproductive rights for some time; Bruce Neuberger of UUSF HRWG; Joe Chapot of Young Adult Group, Marty Vanderlaan of the Men’s Group; and Rolene Walker of the Quaker group. As of the meeting, Rolene, Julia, Lori, Elaine and Linda planned to attend the SACReD conference. Individuals could register

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The next issue to be discussed was the UUSF Forum’s offer to the Women’s Group to host one forum per quarter that would inform others what the group was going, by means of either a guest speaker or some of its own members. SACReD’s co-founder Daniel C. Kantor has volunteered to speak at the group’s first of such forums, along with a woman lawyer among his associates.

Next to be covered was whether UUSF should become a designated Reproductive Freedom Congregation. This process, which is described at, calls upon the congregation to affirm publicly to: trust and respect women; to promise that those who attend our congregation will be free from stigma, shame and judgement regarding reproductive decisions, including abortion; and to believe access to comprehensive and affordable reproductive health services is a moral and social good. Those present, who included Lori Lai, Elaine Pratt, Merle Easton, Rolene Walker, Sue Anthony, Carlowe Connelly, Nancy Noah-Bear, Julia Wald, and Linda Harris, agreed that this process will involve educating the congregation as well as voting upon the principles in a congregational meeting.

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The group’s ongoing aim to support those already active in the reproductive justice movement, either as health care professionals or as volunteers assisting women actively seeking abortions, was next to be discussed. Questions arose as to whether the church could face legal jeopardy during this period while the new Texas law faces Supreme Court review. It was decided to consult with the church’s legal advisors before the Women’s Group actively supports organizations that arrange or provide abortions. As Carlowe pointed out, a church like UUSF can be seen as financially able to afford helping people trying to take advantage of the Texas law.

The last item of business was a church reproductive rights banner, which cannot be hung until the repointing of the church’s exterior walls is finished. This project has been in part financially and professionally supported by member Merle Easton, and this bit of news sparked a round of applause. Margaret Levitt stressed how an exterior banner would make the church’s reproductive rights support more visible. Rolene Walker, a retired creative director and artist, volunteered to assist with the banner’s design. Elaine Pratt promised to contact Planned Parenthood on the legality issues regarding the banner’s wording. 

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