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If you are feeling in need of care or connection, please contact us via email at Click below to learn about our various ministries.
Pastoral care encompasses several support activities within UUSF. Collectively these activities are “member to member” support and assistance with life challenges as part of a caring community. One of the charges in our weekly covenant is to “help one another” and pastoral care is one example of how we live out our covenant.

The lay chaplains met weekly via Zoom or in person, joined by ministers of UUSF to discuss members who are facing challenges.
We respond to requests for assistance, and strategize for members of the congregation that we are helping. In providing care we often rely on a network of UUSF volunteers who have said they are available to help other members of the congregation. We wish to express our deep appreciation for all the help of these volunteers. If you would like to volunteer to help other UUs, please reach out to the lay chaplains ( We are always happy to have more volunteers to share community.
We are in regular contact with those UUSF members who may be feeling isolated. In addition, many members of the congregation make meals for other members, part of sharing the love of a specially prepared meal. We organize rides to medical appointments as needed, and can talk with you about medical issues, giving guidance on what questions to ask your doctor or how to advocate for yourself.
If you are feeling in need of care or connection, please contact us via email at

Jan Oringer runs the caregiver support group. The UUSF Group meets once a month by Zoom or in person. The meetings are attended by 8-10 individuals who provide care and support to loved ones who are experiencing chronic medical conditions and/or memory loss. They share their stories of the challenges and joys they find in their roles. The people in this group lovingly support each other, and also share resources and skills they have found while finding fulfillment in caregiving. If you are a caregiver and would like to join this group, please reach out to Jan via the lay chaplains email.

The Card Ministry sends caring cards to members of our congregation and staff who are having health or personal challenges, are grieving, or deserve a thank you for service to others. The cards are generously donated by members of the congregation.
Since the church has been closed this past year, cards have been written and sent by Laura Davis. When in-person Sunday services resume, there will again be a table set up once a month so that people can stop by to write cards.

While UUSF was meeting at the church, on the second Sunday of the month the HEART team offered blood pressure testing and a chance to ask medical question of one of the nurse members of the team. Activities have been suspended because of COVID 19, and we are looking forward to being back in person.
During the pandemic the team helped members deal with medical issues – sometimes it was helping them advocate with their health insurance and providers, sometimes it was explaining terms and treatments, sometimes it was just listening and offering encouragement.
If you need assistance with a medical issue, please reach out to the lay chaplains.

The committee is open to all UUSF members with an interest in needle crafts and often has several participants. However, all meetings have been suspended this year because of COVID-19. We are looking forward to being able to gather again in person.
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